Sunday, July 13, 2008

Camp Life

JC asked for some shots of our campsites. This amazing site was on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. 20 miles from the nearest paved road, we had this 5 site primitive campground completely to ourselves for our entire 48 hour stay! Here you see our tent pitched 15' from the rim of the canyon, what a view!

We purchased a 'backpacking guitar' that Q and Xi have really enjoyed. We had to leave our folding chairs behing in New England and these little folding stools are most coveted around the campfire.

Xi stands on a rock at the edge of the Grand Canyon and contemplates oral hygiene and her place in the universe while brushing her teeth at the end of the day.

As mesmerizing at TV, an evening around the campfire is a great end (and sometimes beginning) to the day. Silverton, CO was in the upper 20s each morning making a warm fire and hot chocolate a must.

Our Campground at Mesa Verde was our 'shakedown site' where we baptized the new equipment. This was our official first campsite.

Ivo and Xi were still asleep one morning when I caught these cool branch reflections on the tent wall. On our midnight trips to the bushes, we have seen some spectacular starry skies. I think it is due to both remote locations and the very dry air.

Xi blows on the campfire to get it started one morning in CO.

True to his pre-trip goals, Q has set his backpacking tent up independently of our big LLBean condo at each campsite. Here in the Rockies, he chose a site (about a 5 minute hike from the main site) in a meadow surrounded by snow-capped mountains.

Spam and eggs has been the breakfast of choice before our day hikes. Each person is either part of the cooking or cleaning crew for each meal.


craig said...

Totally cool shots of the campsites. I remember those starry nights. Have you been using that cool camp kitchen setup in the the car camps? I am really impressed with Q finding his own locations (primo choice) and setting up independently. I don't know if I would have been able to do that in those locations at his age. Kudos. Excellent photography as well.

Becky said...

Those campsite pictures are spectacular! They really give a feel of what your daily routines are like. That must be a great feel. Good job Quincy with your independent camping. That is a great experience. Keep the pictures coming!


sln said...

Greetings from home! Literally- your home! All is well here. I've loved being able to tag along on your journey. The pictures are breathtaking! I love the one of IVO wading in Molas Lake with the mountains in the distance! Keep posting when you can! I've become an obsessive checker of your blog. Always waiting with baited breath to see if what else you have seen! Love and miss you all!

Anonymous said...

Hey Everyone!!

Your blog is absolutely great! I love being able to see your amazing pictures and adventures! You all must be having a great time! Congratulations on reaching your half way mark and 6,000 miles!!! :o)

Love, Nicole!!